Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Summer Vacation in North Carolina

On the USS North Carolina Battleship, Wilmington

Our comfortable bed in the Captain's Quarter


大家好! 我們一家上週六從北卡返回愛城. 一路開車都算順利(單程共需十六小時, 琳琳表現不錯, 小麗也有進步). 先在洛麗市與老朋友及老師相見甚歡, 隨後花兩天時間帶孩子去東岸海灘玩沙嬉水, 可惜天陰有雨, 沒有久留, 連去到城中心河濱公園也一路被風追著跑. 沙灘之行後再返回洛麗市, 並住進一間家庭式飯店. 這棟大房子就坐落在士賢十多年前舊居旁邊, 隔街相望, 不由增添一絲歸屬感. 如預料一般, 這間Cameron Park Bed & Breakfast Inn 與一般飯店相比別有特色. 裝潢美觀雅緻, 格局寬敞舒適,每個廳堂角落當然就進入士賢相機鏡頭裡及供我們母女三人在此擺首弄姿留影紀念. 旅途中拍下百張照片, 從中選出一些與家人朋友分享,希望大家喜歡!

Hallway of our BVI (British Virgin Islands) suite

Mina and Patrick visiting us at the inn

Back on the courtyard outside the NC State Communication Dept. after so many years

Raleigh loved to play with Barney, the "inn dog"

The sofa turned into their bed in the living room

A corner of the Captain's Quarter

There were "hobos" in the back. Raleigh thinks she looks great in this one

Looking at the moving train models at the Wilmington Railroad Museum

Lorraine had so much fun playing with beach sand

A quite day on the Carolina Beach

2208 Garden Place, Raleigh. I lived on the second floor in my college days

At Mina's home. She was finishing a train project. Lorraine thought we took her to see Santa's place

At Duke Garden in Durham. My friend Jennifer had her wedding there. I was the maid of honor

Taking a road break at the Indiana Welcome Center on the highway

At the Railroad Museum

On a windy day at the Riverwalk Park in Downtown Wilmington

Meeting Xu Lin's family at Patrick's restaurant

Not a day for swimming

Just finished a delicious meal that Patrick cooked for us

Catching a ride at Raleigh Exploris

Her first time to the Atlantic coast

In the dining room with the owner, Pam, and her daughter, Amber. Our breakfast was served by the husband, Dan, here every morning

Wearning self-made hairdresses at Raleigh Exploris

The entrance area of Cameron Park B & B Inn

After a pleasant stroll at the Duke Garden, we went for some Dim Sum in town

Long ago, it was Laurence taking pictures for me here. This time, we come back with two cuties


Blogger Clean Forest said...

hope our family and friends like these pictures.

20/6/06 3:51 PM  
Blogger raleighchuang said...

Hi mom,
Don't you just LOOOOOVVVEEEE the "HOBO" picture?!

22/6/06 10:53 AM  

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