Thursday, August 24, 2006

Indian Bazzar 印度園遊會

週末帶小琳和小麗去參加印度園遊會, 看到我的同事表演專業級傳統印度舞, 品嚐到一些印度小吃, 也有機會做了許多手工藝, 如自製精美書籤卡片, 做沙畫, 學自己的印度名字, 還有機會留下一組印度服裝照.

有一天, 我們會去印度走一趟.

Raleigh, Lo-lin and I went to the Indian Bazzar at the Johnson County Fairground last Saturday. These are some of the things that we did but you don't see in pictures:

1. Saw Chitra dancing in traditional Indian custom. She is a professionally trained dancer who is also my colleague from UI;

2. Tasted Masala Dosa, spicy patatoes wrapped in paper-thin pancakes, and Mango Lasse, a yogurt drink. Among the three of us, only I thought they were delicious;

3. Got our names written in Hindi. I assumed they were correct;

4. Accidently stepped on a Indian flag;

5. Talked with a man sitting next to us , and heard that he worked as director of an orphanage in Hong Kong for three years in the early 60s. What a chance to meet a stranger who was at your home before you were even born.

6. Learned that Indians call themselves the largest democracy in the world, and their life expectancy is 65.

India is one of the countires I want to visit the most. I love its dance, music, old Bollywood, pushminas and silk garments, curry, etc. You don't have to watch movies to find so many gorgeous-looking Indian men and women.


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