Saturday, July 01, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Mei and Ally joined us for my birthday dinner at Iowa River Power Company restaurant, a lovely dining spot with a breathtaking view of the Iowa River. The atmosphere, the food and the service were all impeccable.

After the meal, we decided to take a walk across the bridge that was just behind this brilliantly remodeled restaurant out of the old power company. Our post-dinner stroll traversing the river on the metal-and-wooden paneled bridge at the dusk was uncomparably relaxing. The experience was definately a serendipity for me because we live only five minutes away from this inspiring scenery. While walking, I paid more attention to Mei's elegant, silky floral-pattened dress, adorned with a thin, shiny belt, that revealed her gracefulness. And Ally, in her mini-skirt and with an exquisite purse on her shoulder, moved like a charming character out of TV dramas. We three ladies let our arms be joined, smiled and waved at Laurence's camera in front of us, and amused ourselves by thinking that we were walking a red carpet. We stopped for moments at the oval-shaped viewing points projecting from the bridge to look at the river running under. We also shared the space with some people who happened to be there simultaneously.

Leaving the river and bridge, we drove to Mei's place. It was my first time to visit her Iowa home, a cozy and convenient apartment. Mei and Ally thoughtfully prepared a white chocolate and apricot mousse cake, two bottles of wine, and a box of colorful cookies shaped in cars, watermelons, etc. I opened my presents. Mei gave me an image-story book authord by her superviser, Ann, and Ally got me a silver necklace with an amber pendant from Glassando, my favorite jewerly shop in the Old Capital Mall that has collections of Murano glass and amber jewerly. Raleigh and Lo-lin watched cartoon films on TV and munched on cookies while we grown-ups somehow were exchanging our experiences of tasting wine and having a common interest in picking blueberries. We also missed having Hsin-Yen, who is in Taiwan for the summer, with us. At the time to say good night and good bye, I borrowed Woody Allen's Match Point on DVD for my after midnight entertainment.

I immensely enjoyed celebrating this birthday in the company of family and friends. I was also touched by all the attention and birthday wishings I received from Mom and Dad, brother Sam, and some dear friends via telephone or e-mail. Of course, I wanted to mention the joy I felt from seeing Raleigh and Lo-lin's drawings as my presents, and from hearing Lo-lin's angelic singing of birthday songs. I was also thankful that earlier that afternoon Laurence accompanied me to a movie that he didn't really care for, and that he brought me cherries and blueberries and took many pictures of us with our lousy digital camera, and that he didn't let a fight happen between us.

The memories of my last birthday are still vivid. I was back home in Hong Kong and able to see my parents and brother. Sam graciously took us to a Shanghainese (Jiang-Zhe) restaurant for dinner. Now after this one that has just passed, I'm looking forward to having three happy birthdays in a row. Until then, make each day refreshing and fulfilling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is really enjoying to read your blog. And I guess to describe all those words to the parents might not be an easy job.

8/7/06 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,
thanks for your comments. You have been a great messenger so far.


23/7/06 11:15 AM  

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