Sunday, November 19, 2006

做巧克力蛋糕 Making Brownies

星期六下午我們在家裡做了一個核桃巧克力蛋糕. 小琳和小麗熱情參與整個過程. 做法超簡單,味道很好. 這個品牌是朋友特別介紹的.

We made walnut brownies at home for the first time. Lo-lin helped sprinkle the peanut crumbles on the brownies. Raleigh mixed the ingredients together. Then they both licked the bowl. Of course, the brownies turned out to be quite delicious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so cute! ~ and great intro about the films! *I need to check these two films out~~~
how's life recently?
see u!

10/1/07 5:46 PM  

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